
Llamamiento urgente para salvar la vida de tres mujeres iraquíes condenadas a muerte

Fuentes: Rebelión

Estimados/as amigos/as: Abajo puede usted encontrar incluido en el cuerpo de este mensaje un texto en inglés destinado al juez Medhat Al-Mahmoud, presidente del Tribunal Supremo iraquí exigiendo la inmediata puesta en liberad de Wassan Talib, Zainab Fadhil y Liqa Omar Muhammad, tres mujeres iraquíes condenadas a muerte acusadas de acciones legítimas de resistencia, en […]

Estimados/as amigos/as:

Abajo puede usted encontrar incluido en el cuerpo de este mensaje un texto en inglés destinado al juez Medhat Al-Mahmoud, presidente del Tribunal Supremo iraquí exigiendo la inmediata puesta en liberad de Wassan Talib, Zainab Fadhil y Liqa Omar Muhammad, tres mujeres iraquíes condenadas a muerte acusadas de acciones legítimas de resistencia, en las que ellas niegan estar implicadas <>. El juez Medhat Al-Mahmoud es la máxima autoridad judicial de apelación en el caso.

En el marco de una campaña internacional de exigencia de liberación de estas tres mujeres iraquíes, juzgadas y condenadas sin ningún requisito legal mínimamente satisfecho por instancia jurídicas ilegales instauradas por los ocupantes, le rogamos por favor que envíe al correo del mencionado juez iraquí, <mailto:[email protected]> , el texto abajo incluido, simplememente pegándolo en un mensaje nuevo y firmando con su nombre y apellidos e indicando ciudad y país de residencia, incluyendo como copia Cc las siguientes direcciones de organismos y medios de comunicación internacionales: [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] .

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Muchas gracias

Una saludo cordial



Judge Medhat Al-Mahmoud, <mailto:[email protected]>

President of the Supreme Judicial Council in Iraq

RE: The Imminent Execution of Wassan Talib, Zainab Fadhil and Liqa Omar Muhammad

I am appalled by reports of the conviction and imminent execution of Wassan Talib (31), Zainab Fadhil (25) and Liqa Omar Muhammad (26) after unfair trials during which they had no access to legal counsel and faced charges that cannot be brought in national courts in Iraq .

All three are held in Baghdad 's Al-Kadhimiya Prison. Two have small children beside them. The 1-year-old daughter of Liqa was born in prison. All three women deny the charges brought against them. Amnesty International has highlighted their case in an "Urgent Alert": <> (see also )

Wassan Talib, Zainab Fadhil and Liqa Omar Muhammad were reportedly all convicted under Article 156 of the Iraqi Penal Code, which reads: "Any person who willfully commits an act with intent to violate the independence of the country or its unity or the security of its territory and that act, by its nature, leads to such violation is punishable by death."

Wassan Talib, Zainab Fadhil and Liqa Omar Muhammad are accused of being part of ­ or taking part in ­ the Iraqi resistance. These are not charges that the Iraqi government can bring upon anyone. International law affirms: "the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle" (UN General Assembly Resolution 37/43, adopted 3 December 1982). If these women are to be detained at all, international law demands that they be treated as combatants and prisoners of war. As POWs, all three women enjoy protected rights under the Third Geneva Convention. They cannot be tried and executed summarily. Strict conditions apply to their treatment in all respects.

Once again, all three women deny the charges brought against them.

In light of the above:

I add my name to the many now demanding the immediate release of Wassan Talib, Zainab Fadhil and Liqa Omar Muhammad.

I add my name to the many who demand, as a minimum, that all three women are given immediate independent legal counsel, as is their right under international humanitarian law, whether treated as combatants (Article 99 of the Third Geneva Convention) or civilians (Article 113 of the Fourth Geneva Convention). Iraq and the United States , individually and severally, are also bound to the principles of international human rights law, including Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which guarantees the right to fair trial.

I add my name to the many who oppose completely the execution of Wassan Talib, Zainab Fadhil and Liqa Omar Muhammad. Their execution would not only be immoral and an outrage, it would be illegal under international law. The fact alone that they had no access to legal counsel makes their imminent execution "arbitrary", "summary" and "extra-judicial" by definitional legal standards.

Civilization reviles the death penalty in all cases. I remind you that Article 3 of the UN Safeguards Guaranteeing Protection of the Rights of those Facing the Death Penalty (ECOSOC resolution 1984/50, adopted 25 May 1984) stipulates that the death penalty cannot be imposed on new mothers. Further, Article 5 demands that no death penalty be passed unless the legal process is competent and all due process rights are safeguarded, in particular by allowing defendants free and regular access to legal counsel. None of the women was able to consult a lawyer. Article 6 of the UN Safeguards guarantees that anyone sentenced to death shall have the right to appeal before a court of higher jurisdiction. Article 8 of the UN Safeguards demands that capital punishment shall not be carried out pending any appeal.

I also remind you that holding detainees in an unsafe location is a violation of Article 85 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

In light of the above:

I request immediate information on the well-being of Wassan Talib, Zainab Fadhil and Liqa Omar Muhammad.

I request information on the legal standing of Wassan Talib, Zainab Fadhil and Liqa Omar Muhammad.

I request detailed information on the charges Wassan Talib, Zainab Fadhil and Liqa Omar Muhammad have faced and been convicted on.

I await your timely reply to these requests. Kindly confirm the full names and dates of birth of Wassan Talib, Zainab Fadhil and Liqa Omar Muhammad in any communication.


Cc addresses:

International Committee of the Red Cross: + 41-22-733-2057 (fax) and <mailto:[email protected]>Email. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: +41-22-917-9008 (fax) and E<mailto:[email protected]>mail. UN representant in Iraq : +1-212-963-2800 (fax) and <mailto:[email protected]>Email. IRIN News Agency: +971 (4) 368-1024 (fax) and <mailto:[email protected]>Email. Amnesty International: +44-20-7956-1157 (fax) and <mailto:[email protected]>Email. Al-Jazeera: +974-442-6865 (fax) and <mailto:[email protected]>Email. Reuters: +44-20-7542-4064 (fax) and <mailto:[email protected]>Email. BBC: +44-20-7557-1254 (fax) and <mailto:[email protected]>Email.