
Reply to Mojano


Tabare Vazquez’ trip to Washington follows in the footsteps of all serious and servile Latin American Presidential candidates. Vazquez and all the other candidates before him declare their allegiance to the bankers (they pledge to «honor» the foreign debt), to the IMF (to follow the neo-liberal macro-economic policies), to Wall Street (to recognize and promote […]

Tabare Vazquez’ trip to Washington follows in the footsteps of all serious and servile Latin American Presidential candidates. Vazquez and all the other candidates before him declare their allegiance to the bankers (they pledge to «honor» the foreign debt), to the IMF (to follow the neo-liberal macro-economic policies), to Wall Street (to recognize and promote privatizations), and President «Bush (to proceed with ALCA). In exchange for thid «declaration of faith» Vazquez hopes to secure a «certificate of good behavior», a guarantee that the US will not oppose his election or destabilize his regime.

To prove his «good faith» in upholding the principle of the US empire, Vazquez proposed Enrizre Iglesias, the head of the BID as his first choice of Economic Minister, one of the main architects of the devastating neo-liberal policies in Latin America. When Iglesias refused, Vazquez appointed Daniel Astori who is Washington’s and the IMF;s favorite Frentista. Vaszuez made his decision unilaterally and while traveling because he is following Lula: to avoid public debate of his servile capitulation to the IMF and Washington. Vazquez’ declarations in Washington are a clear warning to the Uruguayan workers and unemployed that they can expect more «harsh medicine» during his neo-liberal presidency. With Washington’s «certificate of approval» Vazquez and the NPP can «broaden» their appeal to speculators, financiers, agro-business, real estate developers and the multi-nationals. Vazquez may win the election – but capital will win the Presidency.