Al servicio de los intereses expansionistas de Israel

James Petras | 

Traducción del inglés para Rebelión por S. Seguí

In August 2004, the FBI and the US Justice Department counter-intelligence bureau announced that they were investigating a top Pentagon analyst suspected of spying for Israel and handing over highly confidential documents on US policy toward Iran to AIPAC which in turn handed them over to the Israeli Embassy. The FBI had been covertly investigating […]

James Petras | 

Introduction A realistic assessment of the electoral victory of Evo Morales requires knowledge of his recent role in Bolivia’s popular struggles, his program and ideology as well as the first measures adopted by his regime. In the recent past innumerable leftist intellectuals, academics, journalists and NGOers have mindlessly jumped on the bandwagon of a series […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Felisa Sastre

Entrevista con James Petras

Efraín Chury Iribarne | 

Chury: Hoy si fuera posible, de lo que queremos hablar contigo es un poco o algo de la situación mundial respecto al petróleo y el gas natural y las consecuencias sociales de los combustibles en medio un invierno tan riguroso. ¿Porqué Rusia reduce el suministro a Ucrania, Austria y Checoslovaquia? ¿Afectará también a Alemania, España, […]

La utilización política del lenguaje

James Petras | 

Traducido para Rebelión por Felisa Sastre

The politics of language:

It is commonplace to read each day in the most prestigious newspapers (Financial Times, New York Times, London Times, Washington Post) of Israeli «retaliation»/ The reportage frequently mentions a Palestinian attack on an Israeli colonial settlement in the West Bank or urban population center in Israel. The action and reaction always is located in a […]

James Petras | 

Introduction: Israel’s political and military leadership have repeatedly and openly declared their preparation to militarily attack Iran in the immediate future. Their influential supporters in the US have made Israel’s war policy the number one priority in their efforts to secure Presidential and Congressional backing. The arguments put forth by the Israeli government and echoed […]

La próxima conflagración en Oriente Próximo

Traducido del inglés para Rebelión por Sinfo Fernández

Entrevista con James Petras. El tratado de inversiones EE.UU.-Uruguay

Efraín Chury Iribarne | 

Lunes 26 de diciembre de 2005. Efraín Chury Iribarne – Atendiendo a lo que es la expectativa aquí en Uruguay de la audiencia y mismo nuestra, mañana [por el martes 27] el Tratado de Inversiones con EEUU va al parlamento nuevamente, va a la Cámara de diputados, está previsto que lo voten todos, y nos […]