James Petras | 

Traducido para Rebelión por Sinfo Fernández

James Petras | 

The most striking aspect of the US (and European) trade conflict with China is Washington’s systematic rejection of the free market and its resort to heavy-handed dependence on state intervention. Equally astonishing, supposedly orthodox free market economists have joined the chorus of protectionist politicos (like Robert Zoellick, Deputy Secretary of State) in questioning China’s free […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Felisa Sastre

Entrevista a James Petras

Subcomandante Marcos | 

Desde Uruguay. «Yo dudo mucho que Astori vaya a cambiar las tasas de interés y los compromisos con el FMI. Porque para él la primera prioridad es su relación con el FMI manejando toda la política de tasas de interés, que favorece a los sectores especulativos» Chury: Tengo una cantidad de interrogantes para ver si […]

James Petras | 

On September 19 the first federal conspiracy trial of civilian war resisters to the US invasion of Iraq will take place in Binghamton, New York, a declining and decaying city in upstate New York, 3 hours northwest of New York City. This is the second trial of the «St Patrick Four» – they were acquitted […]

El 19 de septiembre se celebrará el primer juicio federal conspirativo contra ciudadanos opuestos a la guerra de Iraq

Traducido por Paloma Valverde para Rebelión

Introduction Briefly, but dramatically, the political failures that turned New Orleans and many other Gulf cities and towns into a human catastrophe, shattered the bonds of conformity between the mass media and the government. Critical reporters described the failure of the government’s Homeland Security to evacuate vulnerable poor people and the absence of basic food […]

De cómo los medios estadounidenses cambiaron de un día para otro el discurso sobre el huracán Katrina

Traducido para Rebelión por Manuel Talens (www.manueltalens.com)

«Marty, what do you think of the corruption scandals in Brazil? Do you think we should pull out?» «Are you kidding? That’s standard operating procedure down there, joost lika Florida in 2000. Where we gonna get 20% interest rates?» Marty amused himself imitating the way he thought immigrant workers spoke. David sighed, «Alas, you’re right. […]

James Petras ironiza sobre Lula

James Petras | 

Traducido para Rebelión por Manuel Talens (www.manueltalens.com)