James Petras | 

Traducción: S. Seguí

James Petras | 

The US labor confederation, the AFL-CIO, is in a deep crisis. Following a recent split, it lost over 3 million members, reducing it to a mere 9% of the labor force and 7% of the private sector. The crisis of the AFL-CIO is the result of politics, including the politics of collaboration with employers and […]

Traducido para Rebelión por LB

James Petras | 

He was the Financial Times reporter in Baghdad, Andy Rubber-Ali, earnest, energetic and deeply embedded, who occasionally wandered off a good hundred and fifty to two hundred meters from the «Bunker» to pick up ‘human interest’ stories. Given the summer heat – over 48 degrees Celsius – he decided to interview a municipal garbage man […]


Traducido para Rebelión por Sinfo Fernández

James Petras | 

Foreign investment by MNCs is highly prejudicial to most Third World countries, because of the non-market incentives that it demands. Much of what passes as favorable «market conditions» are in large part political decisions which maximize benefits to the MNC at the cost of the local economy, its tax payers, consumers and workers. The meaning […]

Traducido para rebelión por Sinfo Fernández

Relaciones EE.UU.-América Latina

James Petras | 

Traducido para Rebelión por Carlos Sanchis

Entrevista a James Petras

Subcomandante Marcos | 

E. Chury: El tema que habíamos elegido para hoy son los costos económicos, los costos sociales y políticos negativos de las inversiones extranjeras, que son particularmente graves en América Latina y los seis mitos sobre los beneficios de esa inversión extranjera. Un tema abordado por Petras y que resulta muy ilustrativo para compartir con la […]


James Petras |