James Petras | 

Introduction   Let me begin by saying there are serious political issues that raised by the Lula regime in Brazil. One is the notion that the business of government is to guarantee the interests of the financial «markets» (financiers, bankers, speculators, creditors etc) before any social or economic policy or reform can be considered. Another […]

Respuesta a Stanley Gacek, de la AFL-CIO

Traducido para Rebelión por J. A. Julián

James Petras | 

Myth 1 The «US» has a huge trade deficit with «China» amounting to $162 billion in 2004. Reality: There are two basic problems with this statement: 1) almost half of the «trade deficit» is accounted for by US multinational corporations (MNC) in China exporting to their «home market». 2) What is called «China» and the […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Sinfo Fernández

James Petras | 

Introduction It is a well-established fact that US intelligence and state agencies have penetrated civil and political society directly or via intermediary organizations, foundations and other ostensible private groups. Penetration involves funding, influence, control and setting political agendas that serve US imperial state and business interests. US penetration is largely directed at destabilizing or pressuring […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Carlos Sanchis y revisado por Marina Trillo

James Petras | 

Most workers engage in struggles and many join trade unions or social movements to improve their living standards and working conditions with little knowledge of MARXISM. In some cases they learn from experiences or from second-hand some of the basic teachings and practices of MARXISM without having read a single Marxist text or listened to […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Marina Trillo

James Petras | 

Introduction To speak or write of «the intellectuals» today is to refer to a range of political positions from the extreme rightwing (neo-liberal, neo-conservatives), through the center right (social-liberals) to the center-left (social democrats) to the revolutionary left (Marxists). Within and outside of these political categories we have a range of political ecologists, feminists, gays, […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Marina Trillo