An Exposé of an Exposé:

James Petras | 

As I read Hersh’s highly publicized and influential reports in the New Yorker Magazine on torture in US occupied Iraq (1), it became increasingly apparent that this was not a thoroughly researched exposé of the higher ups responsible for the policy of torture. Hersh’s reportage was a selective account guided by selected question about selected […]

Subcomandante Marcos | 

Actualizado Junio de 2005 Recopilada por Moisés López Caeiro (si desea añadir alguna referencia escriba a [email protected]) El siguiente es un listado de obras de James Petras traducidas al castellano (además hay algún título en gallego y catalán). Esta bibliografía está ordenada cronológicamente empezando por los más recientes. Nota: Los códigos disponibles pertenecen a la […]

James Petras | 

Traducido para Rebelión por Marina Trillo

James Petras | 

July 2004     On August 14, 2004, Venezuelan voters will decide on a referendum, which has the utmost world historic and strategic significance.  What is at stake is nothing less than the future of the energy world, the relations between the US and Latin America (particularly Cuba), and the political and socio-economic fate of millions […]


James Petras | 

Despite the disastrous socio-economic results of the first year of DaSilva’s implementation of his neo-liberal agenda, he resolved to continue, extend and deepen these policies, both in domestic and foreign affairs. Da Silva’s foreign policy is an extension of his domestic policy, and his domestic policy is an extension of his foreign policy. At the […]

Subcomandante Marcos | 

James Petras | 

Traducido para Rebelión por Marina Trillo

James Petras | 

(pdf 132 kb)

James Petras | 

When future historians write of the US empire, they will emphasize the process of empire building, methods of rule, the principle ideologues, and how at a particular moment in time a small, dependent state – Israel – was able to shape US war policy to suit its needs. Empire Building Military violence, direct and through […]