James Petras | 

It is ironic and tragic that at a time when the Federal Government is spending tens of billions on «homeland security», employing an army of 100,000 functionaries, hundreds, if not thousands, of Americans have died because of the absence of homeland security. Let us be clear, the hurricane, the exceptional sea surge and the inevitable […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Felisa Sastre

James Petras | 

Introduction The OAS meeting of June 5,6,and 7 2005 was a historic meeting because it confronted fundamental political, economic and military issues that effect the relationship between the US and Latin America and the Caribbean. While the media accounts focused on the diplomatic conflicts and polemics between the US and Venezuelan diplomats, there were deep […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Sonia Martínez Icardo

James Petras | 

Traducción: S. Seguí

James Petras | 

Introduction One of the least discussed but most important aspect of the ‘suicide bombers’ (SB) attacks is the Angle-American (AA) systematic and profound degradation of that which the Islamic religion holds most sacred: its code of ethics, its mode of spiritual practice, its religious rituals, its sacred texts and its respect for the observant believer. […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Sinfo Fernández

James Petras | 

«Nobody has the moral authority to discuss ethics with me» President Lula da Silva July 2005 Corruption has devastated the Lula regime in Brazil. Every sector of Lula’s «Workers Party»(PT) has been implicated in bribery, fraud, vote buying, theft of public funds, failure to report illicit campaign financing and a host of other felonious behavior, […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Carlos Sanchis

James Petras | 

Introduction Over the past 40 years, many «socialist» and nationalist regimes attempted to combine public enterprise with private investment, including foreign investment. In the beginning, decisions were made to limit the scope of foreign investment to particular sectors and in some cases to a limited time frame via «fade-out formulas» (over time the foreign shares […]