James Petras | 

Introduction Cuba’s living example of 45 years of successful resistance to US military aggression and economic boycott is extremely damaging to Washington’s goal of world empire for several reasons. In the first place Cuba’s success refutes the notion put forth by the «center-left» that «small», «undeveloped» countries cannot resist imperial powers, or sustain a revolution […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Manuel Talens

James Petras | 

Introduction This paper will discuss the social, political, economic, psychological and ideological causes and impacts of war in contemporary history. Obviously we cannot explore all of these dimensions in detail; instead we will focus on what we consider the most important dimensions of these general categories. The first question that requires clarification is «what wars?» […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Carlos Sanchis y revisado por Marina Trillo

James Petras | 

The mass media in the US and Europe has given prominence to the «new style» foreign policy approach of the Bush Administration: Secretary of State Condeleeza Rice visits European capitals and meets with European leaders, declaring that a new era of co-operation is at hand. Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld highlights the need for greater transatlantic […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Sinfo Fernández

James Petras | 

A major diplomatic and political conflict has emerged between Colombia and Venezuela subsequent to the revelation of a Colombian government covert operation in Venezuela, involving the recruitment of Venezuelan military and security officers in the kidnapping of a Colombian leftist leader. Following an investigation by the Venezuelan Ministry of Interior and reports and testimony from […]

Traducido para Rebelión por J. A. Julián

James Petras | 

Introduction A major political controversy is raging in the mass media of Colombia and Venezuela, left-wing websites and elsewhere over the kidnapping of FARC leader Rodrigo Granda. Each day brings more pronouncement and revelations from ministers, military and police officials, as well as Congress-people and leaders of social movements. Intellectuals have written and signed petitions, […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Carlos Sanchís