James Petras | 

Introduction The history of US empire-building in Latin America has combined a great deal of political flexibility along with extremely rigid economic principles. Washington in its political dealings has come to terms, on a grand scale and for over two decades with a great variety of regimes, which to less knowledgeable observers would seem eminently […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Carlos Sanchís

James Petras | 

I am reading William Shirer’s Berlin Diary, a journalist’s account of Nazi political propaganda during the 1930’s, as I watch the US ‘news’ reports of the violent assault on Fallujah. The US mass media ‘reports’, the style, content and especially the language echo their Nazi predecessor of 70 years ago to an uncanny degree. Coincidence? […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Felisa Sastre

James Petras | 

The most significant aspect of the US Presidential elections is the dramatic shift of the entire political spectrum to the Right. Fundamental reactionary changes in the US constitution, social legislation, international politics and law, as well as historical experience have become the common language of both major candidates in this election, without any mass popular […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Felisa Sastre

The challenge of the new colonization of education:

James Petras | 

Introduction The year 2005 marks the signing and implementation of ALCA, a comprehensive political economic agreement which will radically reduce Latin American sovereignty. ALCA will provide US imperialism with a legal and decision-making framework to determine trade, investment, ownership policies, labor legislation and the nature, cost, form and content of education and health systems. ALCA […]

El Perú frente al ALCA

Traducido para Rebelión por Manuel Talens

The politics of imperialism:

James Petras | 

Introduction: An Analytical Framework The sweeping and ill-informed rhetorical excesses about «civilizational», «epochal», «global» changes and «world-historical» century-long projections are at best based on anecdotal selective data, and at worst vacuous emotive ejaculations designed to give prominence to personal opinions. The practitioners of this style of rhetoric are what I call ‘ideological charlatans’. Most of […]

La política del imperialismo:

Traducido para Rebelión por Marina Trillo