James Petras | 

The monstrous deliberate slaughter of over 330 parents and children in the Beslan school gymnasium by Chechen terrorists is not as the BBC claims a «tragedy» – but a vicious criminal act. To understand the nature of the conflict between the Russian state and the Chechen terrorists – it is important to focus on the […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Marina Trillo

James Petras | 

The FBI investigation into Israeli espionage agents in the Pentagon is part of a major struggle between prominent Zionists in the Pentagon and the US security apparatus. Ever since the Bush regime came to power there has been a fierce political and organizational war between the Pentagon Zionists and their militarist collaborators, on the one […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Marina Trillo

James Petras | 

Between rightwing frustration and leftwing euphoria, little has been written about the complex and contradictory reality of Venezuela politics and the specificities of President Chavez policies. Even less discussion has focused on the division between ideological Washington and pragmatic Wall Street, between the politics of confrontation and conciliation, and the convergences and divergences between Venezuela […]

Traducido para Rebelión por J. A. Julián

El último libro de Negri y Hardt es "una frustrada defensa de su fracaso anterior"

James Petras | 

Toni Negri y Michael Hardt escribieron dos libros, Imperio y Multitud, guerra y democracia en la era del imperio, que recibieron grandes elogios en la mayor parte de los medios. El segundo libro es un intento de rectificar parte de la gran debilidad teórica, conceptual y empírica del primero. El trabajo original de Negri y […]

Why did the US go to war against Iraq in March 2003 with further plans to attack Syria, Iran and probably Lebanon? None of the reasons thus far given provide a shred of evidence. No weapons of mass destruction have been discovered. No ties between Iraq and Al Queda have been established. No threats to […]

James Petras | 

After reading hundreds of books and articles and listening to scores of speeches and interviews by experts on terrorism and terrorists from the US, Canada, Israel, Europe, Latin America, Asia and South Africa, I have come to the conclusion that there are recurring patterns. They use a common language to describe their subjects and their […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Alberto Millán