Subcomandante Marcos | 

Tabare Vazquez’ trip to Washington follows in the footsteps of all serious and servile Latin American Presidential candidates. Vazquez and all the other candidates before him declare their allegiance to the bankers (they pledge to «honor» the foreign debt), to the IMF (to follow the neo-liberal macro-economic policies), to Wall Street (to recognize and promote […]

Uruguay: Las declaraciones de Vázquez en Washington son una advertencia clara a los obreros y desempleados uruguayos de que pueden esperar más “medicina cruel” durante su presidencia neo-liberal

Traducido para Rebelión por Carlos Sanchís

James Petras | 

Introduction The US and Israel call for a policy of «regime change» in the Middle East through covert and overt military intervention, following the example of the US invasion of Iraq and Israeli assassination of Palestinian leaders. The ideologues argue that the current leaders in the Middle East are corrupt, incompetent and despotic and that […]

Traducido para Rebelión por J.A. Julián

Traducido para Rebelión por Marina Trillo

James Petras | 

The discussion of economic power in the world economy revolves around several axes. One of the key units through which international economic power is wielded is through the multi-national corporations of the competing states. To analyze the strengths of the different states it is useful to compare the proportion of the biggest (1) multi-nationals linked […]

James Petras | 

Traducido para Rebelión por J. A. Julián

James Petras | 

The 2004 US Presidential elections occur in a time of two prolonged imperial wars (Iraq and Afghanistan), two colonial occupations (Palestine and Haiti) by US allies (Israel) and clients (Brazil). Within the US there is growing opposition to the war and rising costs of health, education, housing and pharmaceuticals. A majority of the electorate is […]

James Petras | 

Traducido para Rebelión por Laura Abad

Revelaciones sobre unas denuncias

James Petras | 

Traducido para Rebelión por Felisa Sastre