James Petras | 

Falluja, Baghdad, Ramadi, Nasiriya – an entire people has risen to confront the colonial occupation army, its mercenaries, clients, and collaborators. First in massive peaceful protests, they were massacred by US, British, Spanish and Polish troops: Bare hands against tanks and machineguns. The armed resistance, in the beginning a minority now indisputably the most popular […]

Reportaje a James Petras en Buenos Aires

Mario Hernandez | 

Entrevista realizada a James Petras en Buenos Aires el 24.03.2004 y emitida parcialmente por El Reloj (FM Urbana, 88.3, jueves de 18:00 a 20:00) MH: Lula ha comenzado a recibir lo que algunos medios han denominado «el fuego amigo». Días atrás en el Seminario Queremos Otro Brasil , realizado en Sao Pablo, 800 afiliados al […]

James Petras | 

Traducido para Rebelión por Carlos Sanchís

Latin American strategies:

James Petras | 

Recent history has witnessed mass popular uprisings that ousted right-wing neo-liberal politicians in Bolivia (October 2003), Argentina (2001), Ecuador (2000) and Peru (2001). However in subsequent elections several bourgeois politicians, including Da Silva in Brazil, Kirchner in Argentina, Mesa in Bolivia and Toledo in Peru have taken power. The Marxist left once again confront the […]

James Petras | 

Aristotle defined an oligarchy as a polity in which the few elect the rulers to govern over the many. That formula fits exactly the description of US primaries and general elections. In New York State where only 15% of the party members voted in the recent Democratic primaries, Kerry won with 8% of the registered […]

Traducido para Rebelión por Manuel Talens

James Petras | 

The debate between socialism and capitalism is far from over. In fact the battle of ideas is intensifying. International agencies, including the United Nations, the International Labor Organization (ILO), the Food and Agricultural Organization, the World Health Organization and reports from NGO’s, UNESCO and independent experts and regional and national economic experts provide hard evidence […]

New book of James Petras, edited in Internet by rebelion.org (pdf 256 kb)

Subcomandante Marcos | 

James Petras | 

Traducido para Rebelión por Marina Trillo

James Petras | 

Traducido para Rebelión por Marina Trillo